If you want to make a delicious Indian sweet in minutes, then coconut burfi is one of the best option. It is made during many festivals.

I feel it's one of the healthiest sweet as coconut is very beneficial and children don't like to eat it raw or in any savory form, so this sweet version is very popular among kids.

 Do try I am sure your family will love it. For any query and feedback do write under comment section.

2 cups fresh coconut (after grounding)
1 cup malai (fresh cream) 
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup milk powder 
1 tsp cardamom powder
1/4 cup chopped pistachio and rose petals

1. Peel the brown skin from coconut, wash and grate it.

2. Grind into fine paste. Don't add water, keep mixing in between and grind.

3. Transfer in heavy bottomed pan and saute on low flame till its dried. This will take around 4-5 minutes, don't turn it brown.

4. Now add malai and roast for another 3-4 minutes. I used thick one day old malai as it becomes more thick and little dry.

5. Add sugar and cardamom powder. Let the water from sugar absorb completely. Keep the flame medium to high till water is absorbed.
6. Add milk powder and cook this for another 3-4 minutes. After 3-4 minutes you will see it has become thick and combined.

7.  Place butter paper or grease the pan with ghee and transfer it. Top it with pistachio and rose petals.

8. Let it set for 1-2 hours in fridge.

10. Slice and serve.

1. After grinding you should measure the coconut and and always take half the quantity of sugar.

2. Don't cut the coconut and grind instead first grate and then blend for smooth texture. 

3. I recommend to use non-stick pan for this recipe. 

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